Archive for November 14th, 2005

We had a great weekend. Andrew’s sister Amy was here this weekend and so we hung out with her for a while on Friday night, went beading then to dinner at my favorite Mexican place on Saturday when I got home from work and then we went shopping for fake eyelashes on Sunday. We had a lot of fun.
Aunt Amy N Bright

Today Bright and I were pretty lazy. We went this morning to run errands, and got home about 1:00. Ugh. I didn’t want to leave at all. It was cold and miserable and rainy YUK! We finally fell asleep for our nap at around 2:00/2:30 after daddy called. When we woke up at 4, I looked outside and I saw the biggest snowflakes I’ve seen in a long time falling outside of our window. The ground was blanketed in white, it was really cool. The first snowfall of the winter!! We dressed Bright as fast as we could in his bunting and winter hat and booted outside for his first snowfall. But I think he was just wondering what the heck we were doing because he wasn’t all that interested 🙂 And by the time we got outside, the flakes had gotten substantially smaller, you can barely see them in the photo. Oh well, he’ll get the idea when he’s older. Well, Medium is on so I better go. Have a good night!